The rue Mallet-Stevens Then and Now

A while ago I wrote about the French architect Robert Mallet-Stevens and included some period images of the rue Mallet-Stevens in Paris' 16e arrondissement, a private street containing Moderne residential buildings designed by him.

I've been both aware and curious about it for many years, so when I visited Paris in April, I made a point to track it down and take a few photos to use for this blog. It's a bit off the beaten track, about a 5-10 minute walk through a nondescript apartment neighborhood from the nearest subway stop. It's also 90 years old, but in pretty good shape, as the photos indicate. When I took the photos I didn't have reference material handy, so they don't quite match the viewpoints of photos taken when the development was new.

A much more detailed treatment of the rue is here. Besides period images, it has recent photos of the exteriors as well as some interior views.


View of the street - c. 1927
That's a Voisin automobile -- very modern in those days.

Street view - April 2018
I happened to take this photo from a similar spot.

Rue Mallet Stevens veille de l'inauguration
Before the formal opening. The building on the left is Mallet-Steven's.

Hôtel Mallet-Stevens - April 2018

Villa de Mme. Reifenberg - c. 1927

Villa of Mme. Reifenberg - April 2018

Atelier frères Joël et Jon Martel, Sculpteurs - c. 1927
Workshop and residence of brothers who were sculptors.

Atelier Martel - April 2018

Hôtel Dreyfus - c. 1927

Hôtel Dreyfus - April 2018


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