Georges van Zevenberghen, Belgian Inspired by Chardin

As the title of this post mentions, Georges Antoine Van Zevenberghen (1877-1968), was presumably inspired by Chardin's paintings. Well, that's what this nearly-worthless French Wikipedia entry mentions: "Il partit ensuite pour Paris en 1903 où il admira les œuvres du peintre du xviiie siècle Jean Siméon Chardin qui le marquèrent durablement."

It seems that van Zevenberghen spent most of his long life in Belgium, enduring periods of German occupation in both World Wars. His main travels apparently were to Paris. The entry also notes: "En 1933, il devint professeur à l'Académie royale des beaux-arts de Bruxelles, fonction qu'il remplit jusqu'en 1948." So he was regarded highly enough to become a professor in the Academy.

Not many of his paintings can be found on the Internet. They are generally solidly done. There is one that stands out, however, as can be seen below.


La repasseuse - 1907
The earliest of his paintings that I could locate.

Les modistes - 1915
Painted during wartime when most of Belgium was German-occupied.

Le joueur de violoncelle
The cello player. Several of his paintings feature cellos.

Adagio - c. 1930
Another cello.

Le jugement de Pâris - 1937
A rare Academy-themed work done while he was a professor.

La cigale ou la musique - The Cicada or Music
I'm not sure what the title means. Also, apologies for the poor quality of the image, but it's the best I could find in that size range.

The Manet - 1922
I think this painting is the best of the lot, though it's not particularly characteristic of his work.


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