Konstantin Korovin: Sketchy Paintings

Konstantin Alekseyevich Korovin (1861-1939) was a Russian painter with a free, sketchy technique influenced by Impressionism, though his style apparently was always somewhat loose before he first visited Paris in 1885. He was well-connected, knowing many of the important artists and patrons in Czar Nicholas II's day. Not long after the Revolution he moved to Paris, where he lived the rest of his life. Biographical information can be found here.

Korovin's stylistic sketchiness seemed to kick into a higher gear following his move to France in 1923. Perhaps this had to do with the need to quickly produce paintings to bring in money. Or maybe it had to do with Paris being an avant-garde artistic place (though the same might be said for Russia, especially in the early post-Revolution years). Or it could have been that this was his natural artistic trajectory as he continued to gain maturity and experience. And, possibly, this looser style was what the Paris art market wanted, so he supplied it.

Below are examples of Korovin's work. I essentially skipped over his earlier landscape paintings, but they and others can be found by Googling.


At the Window - 1893

Arkhangelsk - 1894
Russia's main White Sea port.

On the Balcony, Spanish Women Leonora and Ampara - 1897–98

Portrait of Ivan Morosov - 1903
Morosov was an art collector.

Portrait of Fyodor Chaliapin - 1911
The famed opera singer.

A Ballerina in Her Boudoir -1923

At the Window - 1923

By the Window

A Night in Paris

Café de la Paix - 1920s

Paris scene - c. 1930


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